"Shine A Light" on Watch and Alert, LLC!

Only until September 13, 2009 can you "Shine A Light" on Watch and Alert, LLC!!!

Please go to Shine a Light and click on the blut button on the left side of the screen to Endorse Watch and Alert, LLC business that my cousin Jill and Aunt Laurie started!!!!

This is a great opportunity for them to get funding for marketing and promotions to spread the word to help so many others with not only Diabetes but other conditions that require a medical identifier to be worn at all times!

Also, still wondering if anyone has any connetions to the Jonas Brothers to give them a gift of a free watch from Watch and Alert, LLC!!!!

And for other blog posts done with Watch and Alert, LLC being the main focus... Here and Here


Cathy said…
Consider it done, yesterday actually :) I hope she wins!!