One of my all time favorite movies is Grease. Yes, I'm referring to John Travolta and Olivia Newton John. Typical 90's kid here and I sat in front of the TV trying to record the songs onto a tape player and would get so mad at my three brothers for intentionally making noise to mess it up. Or the phone ringing. Or the dogs barking. Or our parents yelling at us to do whatever it was productive we were to be doing. It had to be free from all additional background noise of course to make it a high quality tape. Yet that wasn't so bad as it gave me an excuse to rewind the tape and listen again.
Sandy's made up song during the slumber party was an inspiration to me! I would, secretly of course, stand outside on our front porch pretending to be Sandy and make up love songs for my childhood crush who so conveniently was our neighbor. Though that didn't work out (Thankfully!), the make up songs on the spot did...
Little Miss loves all things musical. Little Sister wants to be touched or talked to at all times. Riding in the car usually ends up with tears x 2! My suggestion? Sing like I can carry a tune and hold a pitch!
The latest favorite goes something like this... Prepare yourself to be blown away by my lyrics.
You're not alone
do do do da
You're not alone
do do do da
You're not alone, Aaaaannnssleeey
You're not alone
do do do da
You're not alone
do do do da
Moooommmy, Daaady, Maaaaadelyn are allllll here
Repeat x however long it takes to get from point A to point B or until the tears are so loud you can't hear yourself sing.
I may not win a grammy or whatever award is given for musical talent but I have won tear free car rides and that my friends is absolutely priceless!
Now if only we could get Little Miss to sing this to Little Sister instead of saying "I'm not singing to her. She is all alone." At least she understands, right?
Just because I can't resist, I'll leave you with the song that prepared me for motherhood.