It begins!

I sit here typing right now after having 4 days of the most horrible nipple pain while nursing, ever! It wasn't thrush, checked that. No mastitis, been there, done that. It left my options at ovulating, impending period, or pregnant.

I've taken way too many pregnancy and ovulation tests over the last 16 months to be ashamed of even me! I should have known better... Known that I {really, me} would not fall into that small percentage of women who ends up {surprise!} pregnant before ever getting her first post partum period.

I am very grateful the lovely red lady has finally showed but totally bummed I've packed away my diva cup {should have known that would do it!} so can't give it a try this cycle, heck, hopefully it'll stay packed up for another 3 years given I'll be pregnant and period free for another 16+ months from nursing!

So today begins, officially, cycle 1 of trying for a sibling for Little Miss... The flood gates have been opened not only from my cervix but the emotions. 4 years of infertility heartache came flooding back, though fleeting now, at the sight. It truly is like salt on a wound that has not 100% healed, nor do I believe it ever will. {I'm grateful for that. Too many people, friends, I have come to know have too had the heartache of infertility. I am grateful I can relate and hopefully be of encouragement.}

We are not naive this time. Bittersweet too. Pulling out the thermometer and purchasing lovely ovulation predictor kits. Praying for a last chance 2012 baby yet trying to remain realistic in we'll probably end up with a 2014 baby...


Leslie said…
I hope that it happens much faster/easier this time. I will be cheering you on!!
ringmaster mama said…
Megs I pray that this one comes easily and worry free. God has plans for you and your family that you have no control over. Keep that in mind as you embark on this journey again. <3
Anonymous said…
I wish you lots of luck TTC. Just warning you, you will most likely have a luteal phase defect for the first 3-4 cycles due to postpartum hormones and BFing. This means that getting pregnant the first few cycles can be difficult. Crossing fingers for a 2012 or 2013 baby!
Rachel S said…
Great information! I love your blog! You always post interesting things!
Emms said…
Wishing you the best of luck! IF is a mean ugly monster that takes so much away from us. Here's to hoping it'll surprise you this time with a late 2012 early 2013 baby!