Hair Care

I've ditched my regular shampoo and conditioner, awhile ago! I recently read an article that 100% of breast cancer had parabens in the biopsy. Wow. Out those must go! I was on the hunt for something better... Something to give my hair umph again. Pregnancy and beyond didn't exactly leave my hair beautiful.

I started with going "no 'poo". I stuck it out for 2-3 months. My hair never got over the shock of not being washed every day. I tried doing a baking soda wash and apple cider vinegar rinse. Talk about a tangled mess! My latest was a conditioner only wash which was okay but not head over heels about.

At Whole Foods I asked some random employee for his guidance and that is how I was introduced to Hugo Naturals... I'm in love! I got the "smoothing and defining" shampoo and conditioner to help with my wavy/curly hair along with a body wash. My hair is oh so very soft! It feels clean. My head doesn't itch like some left it, nor is it too dry.

And the body wash... Yeah. It's my favorite so far and I've tried my fair share! Used it to shave my legs this morning and worked beautifully! I tried Alba shaving cream last and I did not like the way it felt for comparison.

Hugo Naturals compliments my Olive Oil/Castor Oil face wash and Coconut Oil face lotion routine nicely! :-) What is your favorite go to natural beauty tip???


Michele said…
I love the Giovanni Naturals products as well (WF sells them)
Ashli said…
I tried no-poo for a couple months too, and it did not look too good on me. I'm SLLOOOOWLY trying to go more natural in products and foods, so I will check this out! I wonder if I can get it around here...we don't have Whole Foods.
squirrelgirl said…
We don't have Whole Foods here (or any other major "green" store). I only wash my hair every 2nd or 3rd day. It was a natural transition after I had David and only got a shower every few days. When I got back to the daily shower routine, I just started using a shower cap. I've used Aveda shampoo until recently, when I got my hair colored for the first time ever, and switched to 'poo for color-treated hair. Will be looking for something natural that fits the bill there, very soon.
Michele said…
I know this is a post from a few days ago, but I love Jason's shampoos and conditioners, the tea tree oil ones help prevent dry scalp too.