Baby Prep!

Things are getting exciting around here... Everyday is one day closer to meeting Baby Swann! I often find myself with a sappy grin on my face or giggling out loud with baby's movements. It makes it so much more real when I feel this human growing and thriving inside me! I still cannot believe that we're going to have a baby soon!

We've gone from getting ready for baby in this house to being told we're moving to Jacksonville, Florida in September (baby's due in November) to now back to bringing home baby to this house but moving to Jacksonville, Florida sometime between January and June 2011... It's been one heck of a roller coaster ride! I'm all good now though. Knowing that I know where baby will be born and {hopefully} by who, I'm fine with everything else. All the ups and downs and being unsure about well, everything.

So with this latest knowledge, I'm back to unpacking the nursery (yes, I had already packed up ALL of baby's things in preparation for the move) and trying to get some sort of order in there. The crib is full of sheets and blankets and clothes and toys and all over the floor in piles are bibs and burp cloths and baby essentials like finger nail clippers, etc. It's been overwhelming as we have absolutely zero storage in there. We have a crib. That's it. No dresser. Nothing. Heck, even in the closet their is no shelf or rod! It's on our to do list...

We have a lot on our to do list...

But no longer is finding a stroller on the "to do" list! :-) And the stroller works great being pushed around our house! Although I'm having to remind Charles that we do not want the dogs to be afraid of the stroller if we ever want to take them on walks along with us and baby as he currently thinks it's funny to chase the dogs around the house with the stroller. Men. I guess once a kid, always a kid. :-)

Stroller 3
Stroller 2
Second "assembly", stroller

With all the baby stuff coming in, the dogs are not quite sure what's going on! I'm getting anxious as to how they are going to react to baby here 24/7 too some. They're great with kids of all ages that come...and go...but worried how they're going to do with a screaming baby fit or when they have to wait for our attention as baby ranks above them in the "pack"... Any suggestions on handling dogs with new babies?????


Stephanie said…
The only suggestion I have is, no matter how good your dogs are, never leave them alone with the baby. Dogs are animals and even if they've previously been great about the baby, instincts can kick in. Most dogs will be fine, but always be cautious.
Let Charles bring home a blanket the baby has been wrapped in before you bring the baby home. That way they can already be getting used to the new babys smell
squirrelgirl said…
Ditto both of the above comments. Excellent advice.
mom said…
I had to laugh picturing Charles chase Jack and Jill around with the stroller! That is SO like a man! I can't wait to get up there and help pull the NURSERY together! I'm going to see how big of a box I need to mail all this baby stuff I've collected.
The Swann's said…
Thanks for the suggestions! We're definitely going to keep an eye on the dogs as I agree, they have natural instincts and if it came between the dogs or the baby, well, the dogs would be booted. No questions asked.

Do you let the dogs inspect all the baby stuff or not let them around it at all? To go ahead and start learning boundaries? Ah, I feel another blog post coming... :-)