I wonder how Celine Dion feels...

I have truly been inspired by Celine Dion. She's taken on infertility in the celebrity realm head on. Even talking to Oprah Winfrey about it! For her to publicly talk about the hardships treatment brings both physically and emotionally, I applaud her and wish others in the "spotlight" would do the same!

Six IVF attempts... Wow. Why yes they have the money to spend on all these attempts, it is still equally hard on her body and their relationship as us common folks. I wish I could just pick up the phone and call her to ask if they used donor eggs/sperm or not. I also am curious if this was their first acupuncture IVF cycle. Would be interesting to hear those two answers. Oh yes, and most important, just to congratulate her on their twins to be!

I am betting her and I will have our babies in the same day. My logic? She's carrying twins and about a month behind me. So, it would put us about the same time frame to have our babies. :-) Not that she would know or ever care about when I have my baby but it's a fun thought to think of sharing a birth day with a celebrity that also struggled to conceive!

So again, I wonder how Celine feels... To be pregnant finally, it seems, yet at the same time after a recent loss.


Jessica said…
I applaud her too, I think its great that she talks about her struggles to conceive.
Anonymous said…
I bet she has a website you can visit! I am also betting that if you could get to her she'd appreciate your congratulations and she probably feels a lot like you do now. Happy for yourself, brokenhearted for those still struggling!
mom said…
That wasn't anonymous...it was mom. :) oops...