I cannot believe I am typing those words... Half way there. Wow. 19 weeks 6 days is the countdown until baby's due date. Wow. We cannot believe it's actually happening to us!
Today we had our "big" ultrasound! Watching baby for such a lovely extended amount of time just warmed my heart so much! Hearing the ultrasound tech tell us with each measurement that baby is perfect as far as she can see overwhelmed me a few times to fighting serious happy bawling break thrus! Thankfully, I was able to limit it to a few slipped tears out the corner of my eye so my vision was not obstructed. :-)
Yet again, I was questioned as to if my conception date was accurate or not since baby is measuring a full week plus ahead still. I informed them that I am absolutely 100% sure when we conceived and when further questioned I go into the whole OPK, Temping, checking cervical mucus, etc. and get the "oh, okay" look of approval. The next statement is generally, "This is just a big baby..." Yeah. Thanks.
We found out today {not what the sex is, still Team Green!} that baby weighs a whole pound now! The heart was beating away beautifully at 156 bpm. S/he is swallowing and process the fluid normally and has found it's thumb which was evident by the thumb sucking and nose rubbing photo we got. :-) Baby also likes to spend a lot of time with belly down {that comes from me}. Baby currently is head down and I know this is not indicative of how baby will remain but it's nice to know that s/he knows the position and will hopefully return there before labor starts.
We have some big changes coming up {moving and my job will end as of July 2} so things should get pretty interesting around here for us. Maybe just maybe I'll find more time to blog? :-)
Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged, prayed, and just been there for us throughout all the ups and downs! It means so very much to Charles and I and our baby will surely know about the love that was shown in an overwhelming way to us by everyone!
Today we had our "big" ultrasound! Watching baby for such a lovely extended amount of time just warmed my heart so much! Hearing the ultrasound tech tell us with each measurement that baby is perfect as far as she can see overwhelmed me a few times to fighting serious happy bawling break thrus! Thankfully, I was able to limit it to a few slipped tears out the corner of my eye so my vision was not obstructed. :-)
Yet again, I was questioned as to if my conception date was accurate or not since baby is measuring a full week plus ahead still. I informed them that I am absolutely 100% sure when we conceived and when further questioned I go into the whole OPK, Temping, checking cervical mucus, etc. and get the "oh, okay" look of approval. The next statement is generally, "This is just a big baby..." Yeah. Thanks.
We found out today {not what the sex is, still Team Green!} that baby weighs a whole pound now! The heart was beating away beautifully at 156 bpm. S/he is swallowing and process the fluid normally and has found it's thumb which was evident by the thumb sucking and nose rubbing photo we got. :-) Baby also likes to spend a lot of time with belly down {that comes from me}. Baby currently is head down and I know this is not indicative of how baby will remain but it's nice to know that s/he knows the position and will hopefully return there before labor starts.
We have some big changes coming up {moving and my job will end as of July 2} so things should get pretty interesting around here for us. Maybe just maybe I'll find more time to blog? :-)
Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged, prayed, and just been there for us throughout all the ups and downs! It means so very much to Charles and I and our baby will surely know about the love that was shown in an overwhelming way to us by everyone!