What we did "differently"???

Part two... The cycle itself.

This is one of my favorite questions to ask those that I just learn are pregnant. You know. So I can try what worked for them thinking it'd work for me too. hahaha! It's all fun though. :-)

Really though. Not much was "different". I was still taking the Vitex, Red Raspberry Leaf, Vitamin D3, Calcium/Magnesium, Flintstones Vitamins, and up until a few days before Ovulation the Armour Thyroid once every 4 days until I just stopped as my levels were still dropping instead of normalizing some. The day of ovulation {didn't know until later}, I started back on the Folguard 2.2 X2 a day per Dr. Pearlstones encouragement. That's all I was taking.

We went on a power have-sex-like-crazy week after those beautifully positive OPKs and super strong ovulation pain I was getting. It's not the first time we've done that so that's not really new either. I switched from laying on tummy one day to laying on back with hips propped the next and back and forth. We alternated a lot of stuff and something clicked! But really, I have no clue what "worked".

During the two week wait, I had virtually no cervical mucus. Usually I get creamy. Nothing. Whatever I thought. I was also sick for the first like 11 days of the two week wait so not sure what that attributed as well. Starting about 8 days past ovulation, I started getting tons of period type cramping. Thought for sure it was going to be a short cycle. Not until after my period was officially late did I start to notice some things like heartburn for no reason that lasted for a few days and then disappeared. Or pinching and twinges and heaviness in lower abdomen area. But even now at 5w 4d, I feel great. I have some like a dry mouth, peeing a little more, hungry more often yet am only able to eat smaller portions, etc. Had I not known I was pregnant, I would not know.

Tomorrow... Learning we are going to be parents!


T said…
Whatever you did, it worked!!! Did you get my email?
squirrelgirl said…
Just you wait, darlin'! The fun really begins around 7 weeks. You'll know you're pg by the sxs then ☺ Meanwhile, just bask in the glow of success.