Closest Major City?

Let's talk Lost Stork Foundation business...

So in doing some preliminary Lost Stork Foundation event brainstorming, I am going with the saying, "Go big or go home"! :-)


Please do share...

What is the closest major city to you??

It doesn't have to be like Atlanta, GA but like a city with more than 5,000 people would suffice. One that if said on the radio, it would be recognized by those who live within the state...

I won't tell details of what we're planning but just know it will be powerful and exciting and fun and moving for all involved!!!! I'm so stoked!!!

{And tomorrow I head back to Toastmasters! :-) Yep. It's appropriate here as it's Lost Stork Foundation business!}


Shannon said…
Baltimore, MD {:)


Lisa said…
Dothan, AL...although it's not big enough to have it's own :)