May be on a break BUT...

**Edited to clarify. We're only on a 'break' from fertility meds, not naturally trying...**

Just because I'm on a 'break' does not mean I stop hoping and trying when I suspect ovulation is nearing... UGH!

This only leads me to get my hopes way up this cycle as I was for sure this was going to be our cycle. The cycle we finally become parents and our dreams come true.

This is the first time, since October 2006 when I began charting my basal body temperature, that my chart has been different. They always say that when things are 'different' is when you'll actually be pregnant.

I have had such a peace and even had this random thought that it would be December 21 when I would get that positive home pregnancy test and thus, I have no desire what so ever to test before then {I am a self proclaimed pee stick addict so this is huge coming from me!}. The only way I would not be on my period December 21 is if I was indeed, pregnant.

But by my usual pre-period symptoms and my temp dropping like crazy, all signs of impending doom, I won't be taking a home pregnancy test December 21. I won't be announcing I'm pregnant, yet. I won't be miserable with morning sickness that is only confirming that I have a baby growing in utero. Nope.

Instead, I at least feel like I have something to look forward to although the cramps remind me of my motherless state, still. I am excited for the consultation with Dr. Alhering December 23 and the consultation with Dr. Pearlstone February 3!!!!! :-) Both really good things to come!


mom said…
I'm sorry Meghan. :( said…

i hear you...anytime my temp dips i'm hoping for a large rise the next three days..
Jessica said…
I'm sorry AF is on her way!! I know it sucks. I am so happy for you that you have 2 great appointments to look forward to. I can't wait to hear how it goes with Dr. Alhering.
Lisa said…
Amazing how much infertility plays with our minds isn't it? Every single cycle...Boo...sorry to hear this cycle seems like it is coming to an end...
Michele said…
Oh hon... I'm sorry. :(