I know I missed another day, again. Last night I had a really good excuse. You see. A guy Charles works with invited us last min to the St. Louis Blues hockey game. It was my first hockey game. So it is not like I was just sitting around the house doing nothing... I was out and about watching fights and being entertained by L, the guy Charles works with son, as he was telling me all about hockey and the snacks he brought. He was adorable! And let me not forget- He asked if I had any sons. When I told him no he slouched and said oh. About how I felt too. I dont feel like it is just Charles and I disappointed cycle after cycle. I know this little boy L probably wont think about us again but still. Even he was disappointed even if only briefly. Isn t it amazing how I can turn just about every aspect of life into a huge red flashing sign yelling to the world that we are Infertile? I know. I
should seek help. But really. We did have a good time despite the Blues loosing 3 to 1... :-)
should seek help. But really. We did have a good time despite the Blues loosing 3 to 1... :-)
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