Well I need someone. An infertile. Someone that has not moved 'to the other side'. Thankfully everyone I personally know that has delt with infertility is now a mommy. I find encouragement when I talk to them that miracles still happen. This I am thankful for.
However this is not what I need right now. Tonight. Tonight I need someone who still has fresh wounds. Still has the deep heartache to be a mommy. Someone that finds themselves crying with both happiness and sadness with the news of a new baby coming into the world.
I need an infertile sister. Someone that I do not need to bring strong for but instead I can cry too for my own pain.
I just want to feel like I am not indeed the only woman on the face of the planet left childless.
Sorry to be depressing. It has been a very emotionally taxing day. Off to bed now thankfully.
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I'm sorry you had a rough day. Hopefully tomorrow is a lot better. We are always here for when you need that someone to talk to :) That is why I started blogging- because I needed to be able to talk to people who get it.
I think my friends (who are all Mommies) are tired of my ttc journey. Initially they were all supportive, now they are just bored with it and tired of my broken heart.
They don't understand when I need to take a break for a month or two. I get the "don't give up" speech and it's meant in a helpful way, but it pours salt on the wound. Sometimes I just can't keep feeling what I'm feeling and need to regroup.
I'm here whenever you need me.
Infertility sucks!
and we can meet up.