Speedy Medications or what???

So, anyone happen to notice that we are now on cycle number 37??? Yep. Hello hopefully lucky number 37...

Which brings me to the point of this post. :-)

Seriously. How quickly does the Thyroid Medications start working? First time I do believe, ever, my period arrived without ANY spotting prior to! That and my cycle was 40 days. And all this came about only two weeks after starting the meds... Coincidence??? I mean, really. Should I get my hopes up that my body may really be regulating and we actually have a chance at getting pregnant this cycle??? Should I get excited or not??? :-) How can one not get excited with a new found sense of hope? Well, I guess I can answer that more accurately after my Dr. appt on Monday for another ultrasound to see if the 'polyp' is still there or not...

Sorry my thoughts are short and jumbled. You see, we have my nanny babies until Monday and let's just say that last night did not go exactly as planned and thus incredibally tired. I can actually hear my pillow calling my name to come keep it warm and not to worry about the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink as they can wait until tomorrow. That is, unless the stupid ants find their way in here again and carry off the dishes into never-never land or something. hahaha! See what I mean? Must. Go. Sleep.


Melis.sa said…
i'm not sure about the meds. My SIL said that after about 5-7 days the meds should start making a difference in how you feel. But i'm on pro.metrium right now so i haven't really noticed anything :)

lol, i hope you get a nap in, things usually don't go as planned with babies...at night...;)

keeping you in my thoughts and praying the polyp is gone at the next u/s!!
Cathy said…
I really wish I had experience in this area and could give you some good advice. I'm praying you get some answers (and positive, no polyp ones!) at your upcoming Drs appt.

Hope you're having fun with the babies! Sure is a lot of extra time to get plenty of kisses in :) Gotta love the baby kisses, even when they're not your own. Hope tonight goes a bit better, but I'm sure you'll do just great even if they throw in some surprises.

Have a good rest of the weekend!
squirrelgirl said…
I don't know about the polyp, but when I first started taking Synthroid they did bloodwork every 14 days until my levels were normal and stable (my dossage was adjusted a few times to get it "just right"). I noticed HUGE improvements in the first month, some as early as 2 weeks :-)