Darn Blogger!

I am totally frustrated right now and am hoping that it is Blogger's fault and one that will be fixed, SOON!

This is going on the third day now... All of my blogs in my dashboard area that I was following? GONE!!!!!!!!!! I did nothing to them! :-( Crap! I do not recall addresses...

Is it just me or is Blogger screwing with things???

If it is just me... Please leave a comment so I can get your blog addy again so I can follow... Argh! Unless of course, you do not want me to follow you... :-)



Melis.sa said…
that's happened to me before. it usually shows up again the next day :)
Making Babies said…
It's been like that all day on my side too!!! :(
Michele said…
happens every now and again but always fixes itself when I refresh.
Jen said…
I know another blogger that's going through the same thing right now. I am sure it's something weird with Blogger!! Hope it gets resolved soon!!
squirrelgirl said…
Mine's OK - hope your problems get resolved soon.