Cold water tail

Apparently when i bathed the dogs this weekend i have Jill cold water tail, again. :-( i even bathed them inside to avoid this but obviously i did not have the water warm enough. Poor puppy. I hope you can make out the limber tail. :-( charles asked if i broke it! I said no of course and had to remind him of that bathing issues...

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Amy said…
Hi, I'm Barbara from Fairhaven Health ('Fertilaid Amy' in the blogger world). Hate to bother you- this is not SPAM. I'm with Fairhaven Health. We manufacture natural pregnancy and trying to conceive products. We're the makers of FertilAid, which you may have heard of.

If there's interest on your part, we'd be happy to send you product samples for you to review or to use as giveaways. Just fyi, we're by no means a large pharmaceutical company and are committed to helping women conceive safely and naturally.

ALSO: I love your blog, contact me if you want me to feature it on my Facebook and Twitter page.