Blogger Help!

Just as I've proclaimed before, I am not tech savvy gal! Instead, what I do is spend hours upon hours upon hours trying to figure out something. This is no different. Instead, all I have found is blanks. Nothing to tell me how.

You see, I want to respond to each individual comment I receive and have seen it done before, but I do not know how to. When I have received return comments via other bloggers it has come in an e-mail format straight to my inbox. HOW DO I DO THIS????

Just so you know I'm not being rude or something, I really do want to respond I just do not know how to and quite frankly, I think it would be funny if I wrote on your blog about PCOS or something else random that is not even topic of your conversation! :-) See, all for you am I trying to figure this out...

Thanks for whatever help you can/will/can provide me!


SassyCupcakes said…
Log in to blogger. Click on Settings. Click on Comments. Scroll down to the bottom where it says Comment Notification Email. Put in an email address (I have a gmail account just for comments). Then when someone leaves a comment you get it emailed to you and if they have an email address in their profile you can email a reply directly to them.