Nursery Themes

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have officially allowed myself to dream. Why? Becuase I am playing ultra niave' this cycle and am allowing myself to think positive and believe that we will be blessed this cycle... That we will be one of the "easy" couples for our Doctor.

So. Dream with me, please? :-)

When the time comes, I do not want to find out the sex of our baby. I want it to be a surprise! (I'm still trying to convince Charles on this... He DESPERATELY wants to find out and insists that he'd be able to keep it a secret. I totally laughed at him! He's not a very good secret keeper. He always gives in and gives me my birthday presents early, Christmas presents early, and so on. He has good intentions but he gets too excited and wants to go ahead and share the surprise! Which is why he certainly would not be able to keep the sex of the baby a secret from me...) I also want neutral items, so when we have the next baby we won't have to re-buy everything if it ends up being the opposite sex. We're not rich and do not have the capabilities to do this.

And lastly, I want a boy and a girl so badly that I half think I would be disappointed if I found out it was one and not the other. It doesn't matter which way this would go. Does that make any sense??? I mean. I'm looking so forward to a little girl and tea parties and playing babies and barbies and dressing her in adorable little outfits... I am looking forward to seeing Charles and his daughter and how she wraps him around her pinky like no tomorrow. I am looking forward to the father-daughter events and how big of an impact he'll have on her life. On the flip side. I am looking so forward to having a little boy as I can't wait to see Charles and his son together. All the father-son events. Cub scouts and boy scouts. I want a mamma's boy. I want to play rough and tough and go to sports events. And well. Boys seem to be the majority of my experience! So, again. I want both so much that I think given time I would be a little sad that it is one and not the other regardless of how it turns out... Which is exactly why we'll have more than one child! :-)
So. Back to the nursery... In my recent conversations with people I really got to thinking about what I want. Something adorable and that looks "baby" yet that perhaps could be used into toddler hood. Although, I don't know if this is realistic as I would totally jump at the thought of getting gender specific bedroom themes such as "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" or "Sail away" or "Pretty Pretty Princess (I remember that game!!!)" or "Butterflies" or some other adorable theme!!!

So. Here are my latest two favorite nursery themes... Both are from Pottery Barn Kids. I want a nursey that not every other baby on the block has. I think I like the one that would transfer into toodler hood as then I could use the quit that comes with the set on the toddler bed. The bumpers are still useless. Oh. And I certainly would not purchase the sheets from PBK as they are WAY too expensive! Instead, let me go to Target and get sheets that are of the Primary colors that would go perfectly with the room! See. I'm about funcuality mostly which is again, why I think I like the "transition room" better...
This first one is called 'Stork Nursery'. It is very soothing and neutral. I could certainly see baby sleeping peaceful in a room like this. :-) I know. Let me continue dreaming here!

This second one is called 'Dr. Seuss'. It is filled with fun colors and encourages exploration and learning and fun! I could certainly see our child spending lots of playtime in here and well into toddler hood.

So, any input??? What do you like in your/any nursery? Why? What would you change/add?


Making Babies said…
I love the Stork one!! :) It's gender neutral. I think the Dr. Seuss one is more boy like?? I'm glad you are allowing yourself to dream hun. ((HUGS)) But I can honestly not believe you want to wait for the Gender. I'm with Charles on this one. I'll be his secret keeping buddy???? hahahaha
Anonymous said…
Megs I totally love both your nursery choices. I agree that the Stork is more gender neutral but I love Dr. Suess too. I am with you on the not finding out the gender. I kinda did but DH was adamant that we not know so we had 3 surprises and I love hearing the docs and nurses saying its a...........!! I can't wait for you guys!! Tests are looking good.
squirrelgirl said…
I like both sets, and I think the Dr. Seuss one is plenty gender-neutral. We didn't find out the gender either, and one of my sweetest memories is having DB tell me that we had "a beautiful little daughter" (I had told everyone beforehand that I wanted the news to come from him, and I'm glad we did it that way). I believe in the power of positive thinking, and your dreaming such pleasant thoughts certainly qualifies. So maybe with science on your side this WILL be a blessed cycle!
Anonymous said…
you KNOW I'm going to pick Dr Suess!!! I didn't know there was such a thing. I love it, bright and cheerful. I am so happy to hear that not every single new parent wants to miss the grand surprise of the announcement, you have a ..... It's like finding out what grand prize you just won! :) (the stork is pretty too but Dr Suess would be great for a toddler's room)