Now, the official Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week AFTER you humor me and finish my list. :-)
While assisting an older couple at work, it was not me that had to hold in giggles when this petite elderly lady walked away and let out the loudest and longest fart! It was not I that immediately called a fellow co-worker that I knew would appreciate such a situation and laughed all over again... Only to then run into two of the upper management who caught me giggling who I then had to tell the story to again and this time, it was not I that let out the biggest laugh! Let's just say that they are taking full advantage of the situation and using every opportune time to make smart remarks... Gotta love my job but most importantly, who I work with!
One would think being sick and not exercising for a whole week plus would be bad enough, so it was certainly not me that on top of this has eaten Cheesecake and enjoyed every single bite! I mean, cheesecake! I think that's the most fattening out there so I certainly would not indulge in such a treat!
Last night did not happen to be a rough night's sleep! It could not have been becuase Jill (our dog) started Charles who started me awake at 4:30am as she is throwing up UNDER OUR BED! After cleaning that up and eventually falling back asleep, it was not Jill (our dog still) who again, startled us awake at 6:45am throwing up again, UNDER OUR BED! This time we just gave up on sleeping.
Tomorrow does not happen to be a big day for Charles and I! We do not have any particularly important Doctor's visit that very well could hold the fate of us becoming parents. It certainly is not important that I have my list of questions, pencil and paper for notes, and Charles as extra ears for listening for this visit! We are definitately not excited about what he sets forth as our "next steps"... So, do not stay tuned for that update tomorrow!
And this is now onto another week of living in the land of Meghan and Charles! Another week of laughter, stupidity, smiles, and Not Me! Monday's! :-)
**ETA- Let's just say that we have not cleaned up throw up from Jill (still talking abour our dog here) another three times and counting since the initial post here! UGH!**
good luck with the doctor tomorrow. i hope it goes WELL!
Visit my "Not Me Monday" HERE!
Great Not-me's! Happy Monday
I just said a little prayer for your doctors visit. I hope all goes well!