Not sure.

And this is pretty much the blankness of thoughts that I have in regards to this post. Life's been crazy. I got a promotion at Lowe's. I am now the Installed Sales Coordinator which is cool. Learning lots. It's not my ideal job but it does have some nice perks. :-) My first day was this past Monday. Charles has good and bad days with training... Between us and our crazy schedules, we spend as much time together as possible (and while I type this, he's at work).

We've decided we want to win the lottery, k? So, if anyone knows the winning numbers please do share with us and we'll be more than generous with your cut. :-)

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week. Please do be thoughtful of others feelings that you may or may not know about. Perhaps you should take extra time to ask questions and show true empathy as to what one is feeling. Perhaps I should insert a disclaimer. :-) Don't ask unless you truly want to hear as someone like myself is not ashamed to tell you what we've tried, not tried, and not willing to try while also telling you a whole lot more TMI that you really don't care about but to someone suffering from Infertility means a great deal! My heart breaks for every woman that has ever desired to have a child that has been unable to do so current for whatever reason it may be.

Onto other news... While my waist line has been expanding, and unfortunately not due to the miracle of life inside me, Charles and I have decided to watch it shrink. :-) We have both jumped back on the bandwagon called the South Beach Diet as of Monday as well. The first few days are always the hardest and talk about serious sugar withdrawls!!!! It's crazy what your body does when it doesn't have this crap! So, hopefully by the end of the year I'll be able to pull out all those smaller clothes I've kept and prance around a cut little snow bunny instead of some fat snow ball this winter! :-)

And well, that's about it for now. Hopefully the next post will be a whole lot more exciting!
