Mane n Tail trial

Yesterday I learned something new. :-) Surprised? I read about Mane n Tail (it's originally made for horses) and how many women with PCOS have had great success in using it! Yes, I still have a head full of hair but it's become so dull and breaks all the time and yeah. So, after reading pages after pages after pages on this, I decided to head straight to Sally's to get some! Today was my first day using it and already my hair is less frizzy!!!! :-) That's amazing!!!! LOL I read that you should give it two weeks to really see a difference and maybe I'll get my hair to grow longer and thus I'll get more than one hair cut every year?? Perhaps...

BTW, I used the Extra Conditioning Shampoo and regular conditioner and a detangler. :-) I'll update on how my "trial" is going in the future!


squirrelgirl said…
Interesting...I'll have to check that out. I don't know that I have PCOS but I sure do have frizzy hair! Still waiting for news on the job front (fingers crossed).
Making Babies said…
LOL, sorry... I thought your next sentence was going to be something to do with actually drinking the stuff for ovulation LOL LOL Hope it works for your hair. I heard it smells though?? Any truth in that??
Anonymous said…
I used to use that stuff too and I could see a big difference. I still use it off and on.

I do say the words to Brody that I'm signing. That was my biggest concern b/c I already think he'll be a slow talker. But I read that if you speak while you sign, it can actually help them talk faster! Yay for that!

I'm so sorry to hear that it has been difficult for you to get preggo. I'll be praying for you guys and I know that one day you'll become a mother...and a fantastic one at that!