Adios Amigos and Georgia!

Since my last post things have been pretty hectic... I've been working my tail off to finish classes up and getting ready for our Casino themed going away party! :-)

This morning Charles flew in for the weekend!!! ;-) YEAH!!! It's so exciting seeing him that I just treasure everything about our visits... I picked him up about 9:30am and we met up with Chris, Alice, and the girls at Arbor Place Mall. We chatted and walked around for a bit. After spending some time in Border's (where I purchased the book "The Infertility Cure" that I've heard nothing but wonderful things about so i'll keep you updated on what I learn!) we said our Goodbye's. Caitilen was the hardest to say goodbye to and that's because she had crocodile sized tears streaming down her face... I'm gonna miss all three of those girls!

We headed to dad's house where Charles saw the dogs for the first time since his May 27 departure. Jill only slightly barked at him and it wasn't even the "You're a stranger" bark but a "i remember you but let me place you so here's a warning bark for you"... :-) Jack greeted him like he had never left! What else would you expect? it was hilarious though as Jill was making this noise that we've never heard before and it was loud all in the midst of her excitement.

After relaxing for uno moment, we headed to the Sharpsburg rec center to see how decorating and food was coming along for the Casino party tonight. Things were looking pretty good! We stayed for a bit to help decorate and all then left to relax some more before getting ready for the evening.

The party was scheduled to start at 7pm with a 'word of mouth' RSVP of close to 40 people. So when 8pm rolled around and only about 20 people were there i was getting worried as we had enough food and stuff for an army of 40!!! we had a few late arrivals but still had only about 25 people but you know what, it was fun anyways! :-) i enjoyed the company from those who showed up!

I said goodbye to dear friends tonight of those whom I have known for a short period of time to very long periods of time... So many mixed emotions with leaving but an overwhelming YEAH coming from deep insie me! :-)

We are REALLY trying hard to remain positive about the whole move and know that we're going to experience something completely new and different and we may love it and we may hate it and either way is fine. :-) We have just made sure to give it our best shot (and boogie with the song too!) and anything less is not worth giving.

And that is where our day ends for today... Off to dreamland where my husband doesn't have to leave tomorrow........ ZZzzzzzzzzzzzz


squirrelgirl said…
We'll be thinking of you this week as you embark on the next phase of your life. You have such a positive attitude about all the changes - keep it up! College degree, new home, new job, resuming the SBD... it's all good! Can't wait to hear all about life in Missouri.