Today was semi uneventful. Well, except for noticing that Jack's tummy was swollen. Charles worked until noon and when he got home he noticed he was a bit swollen as well. I was stuck at the computer doing homework ALL stinking day... It was the last weekend of that class so tons of stuff due. Neither of us thought much about it. As the evening went on, we met up with a couple friend at LongHorn in Peachtree City before they headed off to church. *She also happens to be our Vet* After dinner we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up some goods and got home about 9pm ish. It was then that we both clued in on Jack's tummy and how amazingly swollen it was and rock hard. Knowing me, I immediately Googled swollen tummy in dog and the constant that kept coming up is Bloat which is life threatening. So, I tried calling our Vet friend and she did not answer her cell nor house so we decided since it could potentially be life threatening to head to the emergency vet. We arrived there about 10pm. While we were waiting there were several REALLY bad cases come in and we heard one dog be put to sleep. You could hear this horrible breathing/coughing and then it just stopped. :-( The next thing was the couple left with very red faces and crying so we knew what happened... I told Charles I did not like being there!!! About 10:45pm our friend calls and asks me where we were. i told her at the vet she said GREAT! You need to be... Asked how Jack was doing and said that it can be indeed life threatening so she was glad we were there and to call her tomorrow to update her.
After waiting FOREVER Jack was taken back to have an x-ray done to see if he was indeed full of gas. After all the blood work and all was done we were seen by the Dr. She was amazing! Dr. Sarah Wheat! :-) She told us they are sending us home with a dx of Pancrentitus (sp?) but that due to other suspesions she had to also throw out the big "C" word (Cancer) but did not necessarily think so. Charles stopped listening I think at that news... We are talking about here his "little man" as he referrs to Jack often or "the orig". They of course recommended to keep Jack over the weekend until Monday AM when I would pick him up and take him straight to our vet to be seen. We declined. We were instead sent home with meds and told to keep a bland diet over the weekend and if he worsened to bring him right back. *All this time he is acting 100% normal so that threw everyone off. Just the size of his tummy was shocking...*
So, all weekend long Charles was a wreck wondering what was going on with his dog and what were we going to do if he did have that C word and all... We did not get home until about 3AM Sunday morning and thus slept until 10:30am. :-) How wonderful that was!!! Our friend called to check on Jack and gave the run down Sunday afternoon. We chatted and I was going to bring him to see her Monday sometime to have an u/s done to see if indeed he did have Cancer.
Morning morning I called and scheduled an appt. at 4pm. He was seen and the u/s was done. He did great. Laid there while she poked and prooded him and took all kinds of pictures of his insides. :-) We got the best news!!! NO CANCER!!!! Just Pancrentitus (Sp?) and to stay on a bland diet for about a week before going on a Sensitive Stomach food. YEAH!! Charles is now sleeping again and not worried about his "little guy". I can only imagine what he'll do when we have kids...
After waiting FOREVER Jack was taken back to have an x-ray done to see if he was indeed full of gas. After all the blood work and all was done we were seen by the Dr. She was amazing! Dr. Sarah Wheat! :-) She told us they are sending us home with a dx of Pancrentitus (sp?) but that due to other suspesions she had to also throw out the big "C" word (Cancer) but did not necessarily think so. Charles stopped listening I think at that news... We are talking about here his "little man" as he referrs to Jack often or "the orig". They of course recommended to keep Jack over the weekend until Monday AM when I would pick him up and take him straight to our vet to be seen. We declined. We were instead sent home with meds and told to keep a bland diet over the weekend and if he worsened to bring him right back. *All this time he is acting 100% normal so that threw everyone off. Just the size of his tummy was shocking...*
So, all weekend long Charles was a wreck wondering what was going on with his dog and what were we going to do if he did have that C word and all... We did not get home until about 3AM Sunday morning and thus slept until 10:30am. :-) How wonderful that was!!! Our friend called to check on Jack and gave the run down Sunday afternoon. We chatted and I was going to bring him to see her Monday sometime to have an u/s done to see if indeed he did have Cancer.
Morning morning I called and scheduled an appt. at 4pm. He was seen and the u/s was done. He did great. Laid there while she poked and prooded him and took all kinds of pictures of his insides. :-) We got the best news!!! NO CANCER!!!! Just Pancrentitus (Sp?) and to stay on a bland diet for about a week before going on a Sensitive Stomach food. YEAH!! Charles is now sleeping again and not worried about his "little guy". I can only imagine what he'll do when we have kids...