Journey to Our Second Miracle

03/07/2012 - First PPAF begins! Still breastfeeding. We are in full blown TTC #2 mode!  Temping, CM, and POAS like infertility never happened!  :-) Chemical pregnancy #5 it looks like.
05/04/2012 - 33 day cycle with lots of spotting, ultra light AF, and 8 day LP? Still breastfeeding.
06/06/2012 - 21 day cycle.  Started Pregnitude Myo-Inositol for about a week.  Stopped due to headaches.  5 day LP? Lots of spotting and ultra light AF again. Still breastfeeding.
06/27/2012 - Started Pregnitude Myo Inositol again CD 2 but only once a day to ease into it.  Still breastfeeding.  Start B6 with hopes LP lengthens.
08/12/2012 - Pregnitude, Vitex, D3, and Prenatal continuation.  Ovulate CD 16.
09/07/2012 - Pregnitude, Vitex, D3, and Prenatal continuation.  Ovulate CD 15.
10/06/2012 - Pregnitude, Vitex, D3, and Prenatal continuation.  Midcycle spotting/one day light bleed.  Ovulate CD 32.  Positive HPT 10dpo!  Still breastfeeding too!

Baby Girl #2 born July 26, 2013!  Our journey now consists of tandem nursing...
