Leaving for Missouri...

Tomorrow morning, oh so bright and early, I will leave Atlanta, GA where I have called home since 1990 and fly to Bridgeton, MO where I am told will be my NEW home... I'm so very excited and nervous and anxious about the whole situation. To be honest though, 99.999999% of it is all derived from the flight to and from itself! :-( Isn't that pathetic?? LOL Flying just causes such uneasy feelings within me. Please pray that God provides me with a sense of peace and that I will be a-okay throughout the flight! Other than the flight, I am nervous about the horrible weather that's supposed to be lingering around MO over the next couple of days. THAT sucks but hey, I guess since it's going to be my new home I might as well get used to the weather now, right?? :-)

So, my schedule consists of arriving early, getting my loaner car, finding the hotel, driving around for a bit, going to my interview, going back to the hotel to sleep for the night. The next day will be breakfast, drive around, lunch interview, drive around, sleep for the night. The following day, wake up, go to the airport, fly back to Atlanta. Sounds like fun, huh? I AM going to try to find us some place to live though while I am there...

So, that's it. I've got some things to finish up around here and then off to Missouri!!!! Yeah, I've gotta wake up at 4:30AM so i'd better get to cracking on it!!!! Pray for me please!!!! I'll udpate once I get back!! ;-)


Making Babies said…
Girl you are going to be FINE!! What an adventure. Enjoy and best of luck with the interviews!!! Try not to miss us while you are gone LOL x x x
squirrelgirl said…
I hope your flight went well yesterday and that you knock their socks off in the interviews. Good luck and safe travels back to Altanta.